Bradford Guji goes to India and photographs everyday lifeand things….can I have an exhibition please? Friday 2nd
Bradford Guji goes to India and photographs everyday life
and things….can I have an exhibition please?
Friday 2nd February – Saturday 30th March
These photographs were taken on a recent visit to India (early December
2023) in Gujarat, Puttapathi and Mumbai. When I got back I posted them on
my Facebook page and gave them the title above.
The title was given in response to some recent exhibitions I’ve been to and
photography editorials I’ve come across over the years. It raised some
questions for me as an artist – especially regarding the images that were
taken at a family wedding on my trip:
Am I a photographer?
Am I an artist?
Am I a tourist?
Am I just on holiday?
Who are you? (as a viewer)
These raised more questions about this kind of imagery:
What changes? From them being holiday snaps, to street photography, to
editorial photography, to an exhibition? – Who decides?
Are these photographs editorial/ reportage through an occidental lens or just a
Bradford Guji goes to India and photographs everyday life and things?…
Dipak Mistry, is a son of Bradford with Gujarati/ Kenyan roots. He is a
photographer, selector (not a DJ), broadcaster, print maker, educator,
DisOrientaliser and a member of the No Hands family.
February 2, 2024 5:00 pm - March 30, 2024 3:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
South Square Centre
Address: Thornton Road, Bradford, BD13 3LD
Phone: 01274 834747
South Square is a collection of 19th Century workers cottages, in the old Yorkshire village of Thornton, famous for its Brontë connections and its impressive 20-arch viaduct.
Renovated as a community arts centre in 1982, South Square Centre is now home to ten studio spaces for a variety of artists, as well as a gallery, community spaces, archive, fine art framers, bar and a cafe.
The centre hosts community events and activities for all ages, including an ongoing workshop programme and provides community spaces available to hire.