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12 - 3pm

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01274 834747


Thornton Road, Bradford, BD13 3LD

07jun(jun 7)6:00 pm28jul(jul 28)3:00 pmLinoprint Landscapesby Denise Burden

Event Details

A selection of linoprinted landscapes by artist Denise Burden displayed in the Calver Gallery and cafe.

Denise was born in Bradford, where she studied at the Art College before going to Norwich School of Art where she was awarded a First Class (Hons) Degree.

After College she returned to Yorkshire and moved to Wensleydale where she still lives. Initially she painted and exhibited at various galleries both in London and Yorkshire but illness and other events took her down different avenues and for many years she barely painted. She did, however, never stop observing.

Most of her inspiration springs from her memories – incidents, people she has met, scenes glimpsed that have imprinted themselves on her mind or books that she has read. She has an extraordinary recollection for minute detail, adding her own quirky individuality to happenings. Many of her figures bear imperfections and exaggerations that reflect the struggles and joys that come from life. She is fascinated by how people interact or do not interact and the sense of alienation that can stem from that.



June 7, 2019 6:00 pm - july 28, 2019 3:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


Calver Gallery

South Square, Thornton

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