
Tuesday - Saturday
10-30am - 3pm
12 - 3pm

Plenty at the Square

Tuesdays - Sunday
09.30am - 3.30pm

The Watchmaker

Wednesday - Fridays
From 4pm
Saturday & Sunday
From 3pm


01274 834747


Thornton Road, Bradford, BD13 3LD

03nov(nov 3)7:00 pm26(nov 26)5:00 pmLost Gloves and Other Stories by Steve Rayner

Event Details

Unit 9 at South Square are hosting an exhibition by photographer and artist Steve Rayner during November, titled “Lost Gloves and Other Stories”.

It will be a selective overview of some of the ideas he has been investigating over the past few years, both during and since his work as a lecturer in art and photography at Leeds City College, showing the breadth of his interests, from photo collage to stained glass and in straight representational photography of found situations and objects.

The private view will be on Friday 3rd November from 7pm, and the exhibition runs until 26th November.



November 3, 2023 7:00 pm - november 26, 2023 5:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


South Square Centre

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