
Tuesday - Saturday
10-30am - 3pm
12 - 3pm

Plenty at the Square

Tuesdays - Sunday
09.30am - 3.30pm

The Watchmaker

Wednesday - Fridays
From 4pm
Saturday & Sunday
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01274 834747


Thornton Road, Bradford, BD13 3LD

01nov5:00 pm31jan(jan 31)3:00 pmThe Fabric of Memory by Annie FfordeA fabric of memory is a series of monotype and etching prints based on fabric ‘scrim’ used often in the print studio to clean ink off the metal plates.

Event Details

The Fabric of Memory by Annie Fforde
Opening and Open Studio: Fri 1st Nov , 5pm – 8pm
 South Square, Plenty at the Square

Running: 1st Nov 24 – 31st Jan 25

A fabric of memory is a series of monotype and etching prints based on fabric ‘scrim’ used often in the print studio to clean ink off the metal plates. The experience of the fabric retaining it’s innate shape when flattened or pressed reflects our ability to make connections between the real or imaginary memories. The structure of the fabric remains unchanged but the process it undergoes with multiple colours changes it’s appearance over time, reflecting our own interpretations of memories.

All works are original prints using lithographic or etching inks on specialised etching papers. Created in Studio 4, South Square Centre, Thornton..or WYPW. Mirfield.




November 1, 2024 5:00 pm - january 31, 2025 3:00 pm(GMT+00:00)

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